Build Your Own Arduino Home Automation System
Build a Home Automation System using ESP8266 We are going to start by setting up the ESP8266 chip. We will learn how to choose the right module for your project and get all the additional hardware you need to use the chip. We will also see how to connect the ESP8266 to your computer so you can program it using a USB cable. Then, we are going to see how to configure and upload code to the ESP8266 chip. For that, we will be using the Arduino IDE. This makes using the ESP8266 much easier, as we will be using a well-known interface and language to configure the chip. We will also be able to use most of the already existing Arduino libraries for our projects. Let's start! We are first going to see how to choose the right ESP8266 module for your project. There are many modules available in the market and it is quite easy to get lost with all the choices available. How to choose your ESP8266 module T...